Importance of motivation in a company

Stavros Baroutas
2 min readNov 26, 2021

We all have heard about the importance of staying motivated in a classroom, a competition, or a professional scenario. But how actively do we tend to find and keep that motivation in practice? Well, honestly… a little.

Why is there so much emphasis on motivation?

In this era of technology and rapidly changing dynamics where everyone tends to stay up-to-date, there is a flood of new information every passing moment. Though it is good to have access to information and updates, yet it distracts our minds from doing what we are actually supposed to do. It makes us forget our goals — what we want to achieve, and keeps us busy in meaningless activities.

This is where motivation comes into play. Motivation is essential when we have deadlines for our goals, goals that define our performance and progress in the long run.

How motivation helps us get things done?

It is proven that high-level motivation enhances productivity and decreases task completion time. Moreover, it causes the production of more creative and higher quantity work. This, in turn, brings rewards, better opportunities, and a good level of job satisfaction among employees. Motivation excites you to take the job head-on that you have been assigned and get it completed in the best possible way. It fosters creativity, diligence, and great work ethics that not only favor you in one project but are valuable to keep in every professional competency.

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”Paulo Coelho

Ways to stay motivated for longer

Yes, it is good to listen to motivational lectures, reading quotes, and adding visual reminders, however, to keep motivation for longer you need to build momentum. You need to keep working on days when you don’t feel like working. Secondly, review your goals every single day. Track your performance — is it matching your defined timeline of accomplishments? Lastly, connect with the people that you want to be like in the future and seek mentorship.

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” — Jim Rohn



Stavros Baroutas

I Try to support and influence people and companies to reach and develop their dreams and goals