Is self-fulfillment a synonym for happiness or something more?
Fulfillment, a higher state of self, is achieved when you are fully contented with where you are in your life, what you have, and doing what you like to do. To be fulfilled you need to explore your purpose and your vision in life.
You enjoy fulfillment when your inner core is aligned with your external environment and you feel at peace, irrespective of what you have or what you don’t . It implies that self-fulfillment is directly linked to self-actualization.
According to Maslow, ‘self-actualization is about utilizing and leveraging one’s full talents, capabilities, and potentialities. Such people seem to be fulfilling themselves and to be doing the best that they are capable of doing. They are people who have developed or are developing to the full stature of which they capable.’
Fulfillment is an unmatched feeling of happiness and contentment which make you free from living life from others’ perspective. Because what matters most is your inner happiness, peace, and calm. If self-fulfillment is among your major life goals, then you work to align your progress accordingly. It guides your decisions and gives consistency to your actions. It is about having a positive attitude that ‘whatever I am going through is leading me to a better tomorrow’, and ‘I am fortunate that I have so much to be grateful for. I can make the best use of everything.’
To conclude, self-fulfillment is a state of awakening and self-actualization. It empowers you with kindness, authenticity, compassion, morality and higher self-esteem. It is when you feel rewarded of your efforts for being kind, authentic, and benefiting mankind and, thus, is an expression of living your best life.
“Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.” ― Peter Deunov